How To Stand Out And Win Listings Part 1/5

#1 How To Build Your Personal Brand

“If you ask me what are the challenges faced by a property agent? Being in the real estate industry for 4 years, I would say that it is to get the right buyers/tenants for the listings.

The pressure faced by an agent is to push out the listings. Spending lots of money in advertising, yet still can't rent or sell off the units. Looking for suitable cobroke agents that can't really commit long to partner with you, help you out.

Besides, getting listings in the focus zones is another challenge too. Area or condo specialists normally have the privilege to get Grade A listings, so what you get might be Grade B or C listings which are difficult to rent or sell off, yet end of the day, you again get blamed because you can't help the landlords……..”

In my LinkedIn inmail this week was the above post by CT, a REN I follow on Social Media (she is active on LinkedIn and has started a Tik Tok channel) for her insights as a real estate professional. I think CT is absolutely right that for newbie real estate professionals that lead generation (aka finding prospects that give you quality listings) and finding buyers or tenants are the two biggest challenges.

🤠’s Dua Sen:

So how can newbie real estate professionals find good quality listings, buyers and tenants?

Chris Garret of Asteroom ( which provides 360 virtual tours for the real estate industry) is the host of 5 webinars on YouTube that provide a ton of actionable advice on the important subject of how real estate professionals can stand out from the competition and win listings.

He suggests creating a strong Personal Brand as the first step towards building a reputation as the go-to person for advice in a particular zone or neighbourhood. Check out his YouTube video “Branding- How To Build A Personal Brand “ below. A Personal Brand is all about showcasing your USPS ( unique selling propositions) - your personality ( nice people have an advantage in the real estate business), your experience and expertise, your core strengths and unique values that only you can deliver for your clients.

The proliferation of blogs and property search portals that dispense advice has resulted in an information overload. First time home buyers (FTHBs) don’t know who they can trust to help them in the journey towards buying a home or maybe an investment property. A real estate professional with a strong Personal Brand can build the trust necessary to win undecided FTHBs over.

Chris Garrett shows you :

  • how to identify your strengths vis a vis the competition

  • how to identify your goals and target audience

  • how you can leverage technology ie 360 virtual tours and social media to communicate your brand identity through multiple channels. Besides YouTube, other social media platforms like LinkedIn and Tik Tok are increasing being used by savvy real estate agents.

  • how to create connections (your clients) and circles (fellow professionals that can add value eg bankers, valuers, mortgage specialists etc)

    See also posts at Real Estate Marketing 101 :

  • 4 tips on how to boost your social media profile part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4

  • Your Own Real Estate website for less than RM600 (US$130)

  • Why every REN should have a LinkedIn profile

How to write a LinkedIn profile for real estate professionals

Effective LinkedIn Marketing is Easy

Asteroon website


Digital Marketing Playbook For Real Estate Part 1/3


4 tips on how to boost your social media profile -Part 4/4