4 tips on how to boost your social media profile Part 2/4

2. Use the Law of Reciprocity

The Law of Reciprocity says if you “like” other people's posts or comments, they will probably feel a subconscious feeling to reciprocate by thanking you or even “liking” your comments or posts.

According to Elevatepromo.Com, one of the most powerful examples of the law of reciprocity used in marketing purposes is “through free samples and promotional items (sometimes called swag). At first glance, it would seem that the purpose of these things is to demonstrate the value of a product or company, or to get the name out more, and to draw people into being participants in your business.

Of course, that’s true, but there’s more going on under the surface. As soon as you give a customer or client (or just a potential one) a free product, the law of reciprocity is triggered. This is why free samples in settings like Costco have been shown to boost sales by about 600%. As soon as we receive something for free (even if it’s something that we didn’t ask for in the first place) we feel an obligation towards whoever gave us the free sample (either the company, the store, or the employee themselves). “

If you have a property investment blog, you might want to consider compiling 5 to 10 posts of your most interesting or useful suggestions , into an FREE e-book that you can give away to your social media network as a “valuable resource”.

I suggest you go beyond leaving a simple “like” . Give some words of encouragement to other people on your social media network, forr example, “Great job! “ if they have reshared or uploaded something you found interesting or useful. And if you're out of ideas on how to compliment someone's social media post, even an emoji like 👍 will do.

From a cost v return perspective,” liking “ other people's social media posts or even providing encouragement or tips for improvement might well be a faster and perhaps a cheaper way of boosting your own profile. Give it a try, folks.

Works for me. 🤠


🤠's Dua Sen : Never accept less than what you're worth


4 tips on how to boost your social media profile -Part 1/4